Surah al-Kauthar (108)
Aa3Taa (dena). page 511.
* Aata: 2:177
To give (commonly used)
* A3'ta: 20:50, 11:108
To give a handsome reward for obeying, doing a hard job or for caring.
* Ada: 2:283
Payment of rights & financial dues.
* diya: 4:92
Payment of boold money.
* asaba: 5:85
To reward doubly, give as extra recompense.
* wahba: 42:49
To bestow, not expecting any gain or reward in return.
* rafada: 11:99
To help some poor & helpless person by giving a pension etc.
* dafa'a(ila): 4:6
To repay a loan, to give back something to one who owns it.
* hadiyya: 27:26
A gift or offering given to better relationships.
* nahala: 4:4
A free gift, given voluntarily & wholeheartedly.
Kauthar. see 4th from bottom below. (pahad, wadiyaan aur amakin). page 927. Appendix 1/8.
* Safa, Marwa: 2:158
The two hills in Makkah between which Hazrath Hajira ran looking for water; Hajis perform sae'e between them.
* joodi'i: 11:44
The mountain situated in the Arafat range of mountains in Kurdastan where Hazrath Nuh's (alaihis salaam) ark landed after the waters of the flood receded.
* seena (seeneen), toor, tuwa: 95:1-2
seena & seeneen are one & the same. A high mountain of 7359 feet height situated in the path between Syria & Egypt, where Musa (alaihis salaam) talked with Allah taala. Toor is the peak of the mountain & Tuwa is the valley where they camped.
* Arafat:
25 kms from Makkah; hajis have to spend 9th dhil-hijja day compulsarily thhere.
* Mash'aril haram: 2:198
A hilllock near Muzdalifa, Hajis spend the night here while returning from Arafat & pick up the pebbles here for Rami.
* Badr: 3:123
80 miles from Madina; a plain between Makkah & Madina. Ma'arke (?) Badr in 2H fought in this plain.
* Hunain: 9:25
A valley between Makkah & Taif.
* Masjid Aqsa: 17:1
The first qibla of Muslims
* Sidratul muntaha: 53:15
The tree at the farthest height; Surah Najm 5-18 verses gives details of its significance.
* Kauthar: 108:1
A river in paradise, granted to Prophet Muhammad (Sallellahu alaihi wasallam)
* Salsabeel: 76:17-18
A lake in paradise which has the taste of "Sanl" (?)
Zanjabeel = hot in nature; helps in digestion.
* Tasneem: 83:27-28
Another lake in paradise.
* Kafoor: 76:5
Camphor, cold in nature; also mixed in the drinks in paradise.
nahara (Zubah karna). page 527.
* zabaha: 2:71
To sacrifice; cut the throat according to known shara'i method.
* zakka: 5:3
To pay attention to the animals' ease while sacrificing it.
* nahara: 108:3.
To sacrifice by cutting the jugular vein.
sha'ani (Dushman. dushmani). page 481.
* Aduwwu, adawat: 7:22 ( opposite: ج ا عداء Siddiq)
An enemy, who thinks bad & about loss and feels happy on other's misfortune & pain.
* baghza (badDha?): 5:64 (opposite: Hubb)
to hate; second stage of enmity.
* sha'ani, shana'an: 5:8, 108:3
One who thinks bad & envies. i.e. who hates & keeps enmity in his heart (مف) - the worst enemy & this is the third stage of enmity (169) ف ل)
abtar (kaatna). page 689.
* hasada: 12:47
To reap, harvest with a sharp knife.
* sarama: 68:18
To cut off - dates or bunch of fruits - from a tree with a sharp edged instrument.
* qata'3a: 59:5
To cut asunder anything.
* qatta'3a: 47:15
To cut into pieces.
* batara: 108:3
To cut off the tail; childless.
* bataka: 4:119
To cut off, rip off ears etc.
* 3azza: 25:27
To bite with (teeth)
* khazada: 56:28
To break wood; cut off the throns from a tree.
* jazza: 11:108
To break something hard into pieces; fragments.
* 3aqara: 91:13
To give a sharp wound by cutting; hamstring.
Salli/Salaat (ibadat aur shar'ee isthalahaat). page 931. Appendix 1/11.
* Salaat: literally means to give blessings/duas and to praise & give respect (مفا).
Salla means to offer prayers. The order to offer prayers is mentioned nearly 700 times in the Quran kareem; details are not mentioned. Only three prayers (Namaz) and their timings are mentioned in the Quran; during sunset, evening and morning. The middle prayers have been mentioned but not in clear terms as to which prayer it is. Prayers in congregation have been mentioned many times and for this the phrase "Iqaamatis Salaat" has been used. Purity and the farDs of Wudu have been mentioned and the pillars of Salat: Ruku, Qiyaam and Sajda are also mentioned. Raka'a literally means to bend but figuratively it means bending in a precise and known manner from the back during salaat which should point to humbleness and helplessness.
Raka'at comes from Raka'a which means that this is the most important part of Salat. Also this word has been used in the Quran for the total/whole Salat. Allah says: 2:43.
Sajada literally means humility and submission (مفا منجد) and everything in this world submits before Allah Taala. But in shara'ee parlance, it means to sit in a particular manner and to bow down by putting the forehead and nose on the earth. Like Ruku, Sajda is also an important part of Salat. Allah says: 48:29.
Apart from the time bound known prayers, Quran also mentions salaat Qasr (prayer of a wayfarer) and Salar ul khawf (prayer during war) and Namaz e Janaza and Namaze Tahajjud are also mentioned.
The word "Sala'at" comes in four meanings in the Quran:
1) The time bound prayers
2) Namaze e Janaza which has no Ruku or Sajda, only Qiyam. Allah says: 9:85.
3) In the meaning of Dua: Allah says: 9:103 and
4) and if it relates to Allah Taala, then it means to shower Rahmah. Allah says 33:56.
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